The LOVE40 Tennis Racket Stringing Process

Every LOVE40 tennis racket is strung following an identical process to ensure that our rackets are as consistent as possible. From the stringing machine we use to the knots we tie, take a closer look at the LOVE40 stringing process.

Perhaps most importantly is the tennis racket stringing machine which we use. Every LOVE40 tennis racket is restrung in the UK by our team of expert racket stringers using the most advanced and recognised stringing machine available, the Wilson Baiardo. This state-of-the-art piece of equipment is the stringing machine of choice for professional tennis tournaments, including the Australian Open, French Open and US Open Grand Slam tennis events.

The Wilson Baiardo excels at pulling tension on each string to an impressive level of accuracy, running through a series of diagnostics each time the stringing machine is activated. This machine also focuses on an ergonomic design which ensures our stringers are at the correct height to help prevent any repetitive strain injuries. A total of 6 stringers can be set up on the Wilson Baiardo, each profile is fully customisable to the stringers preferences and height which is awesome.

Now that our best in class stringing machine has been explained, we can talk a little more about our stringing process which we apply to every single racket to ensure maximum consistency.

  1. We opt for a two-piece stringing method – This means that we use two separate pieces of string on every racket. Around 6 metres of string will be used for the main strings and approximately 5.5 metres of string will be used for the cross strings. This firstly enables us to string hybrid set ups where the main strings and cross strings use different string types. More importantly we believe that the two-piece stringing method generates better tension retention than the one-piece stringing method.
  2. A starting clamp is used to start the main and the cross strings – One of the most important stringing tools which we use is a starting clamp. When beginning the main string we use this to hold tension on one side of the frame while we pull tension on the first few main strings. We also use this when starting the cross strings to hold tension on the outside of the frame, which in turn allows us to tie the same knot throughout the racket which brings us onto our next point.
  3. Parnell knots are used each time we tie off – Each of the four knots which are tied on our tennis rackets will be done so using a Parnell Knot. Richard Parnell is somewhat of a legend in the stringing industry and there is a great story behind this knot. Richard invented this knot so that he knew if a customer’s racket had been restrung by himself or a competitor. We love this story and the Parnell Knot even more as it provides us with consistency and excellent string tension retention.
  4. The finishing touches – When pulling tension on the last main and cross strings we overpull by 20% to compensate for any loss of tension when tying the finishing knot. For example, if we are stringing a racket at 55lbs, the last main and cross strings will be pulled at 66lbs. Our stringing team will then ensure all strings are perfectly straight and aligned before dismounting the racket from the stringing machine. Finally, we finish every LOVE40 racket by stencilling our stylish logo onto the strings to complete the process

We hope you have found the above a good insight into the LOVE40 tennis racket stringing process. If you have any questions, we would LOVE to hear from you.

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